Improving California's infrastructure continues to be a major focus across the state. We've been reporting for months the stream of funding that is making its way towards much needed transportation projects. This week California saw a major influx of additional Proposition 1B funding to the tune of $2.2 billion which will be spread across 146 highway, transit and rail projects.
- In Los Angeles, Caltrans reports that money is being spent on high occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes on US 101, along with rehabilitation of the I-710, I-5, and SR-60 freeways.
- For the San Diego folks, check out ...
Few property owners look forward with any enthusiasm to the date the government finally announces it is moving forward with plans to condemn their property. But owners who pretend that day will never actually arrive often realize too late that they have missed opportunities to protect their investments.
Eminent domain often proceeds over a very long time-table. From project conception to right of way acquisition, years may pass, with properties held up in a cruel limbo as owners wait to see if the project really happens, and if so, whether their property will ultimately be impacted.
In ...
We have previously reported on Tulare County's efforts to acquire right of way for its Road 108 widening and its Road 80 widening. Now, the County is considering condemning four additional parcels for the Road 108 project.
In a February 1 article in the Visalia Times Delta, Eminent domain on county board's agenda, Valerie Gibbons reports that the County will decide tomorrow whether to file four more eminent domain actions, which would bring the recent total to 25. Ms. Gibbons reports that the County's apparent rush to proceed has "had residents up in arms in past meetings."
But the County ...
Just a few weeks ago, we reported on Tulare County's plans to condemn a number of properties to facilitate the widening of Road 80. Now, Visalia Times-Delta reporter Valerie Gibbons reports that Tulare County is considereing condemnation for four additional parcels, this time to facilitate the widening of Road 108 (or Demaree Street) between Visalia and Tulare.
The November 11 article, "Board of Supervisors moves to seize land for Road 108 project while still in property negotiations," explains that both the Road 80 and Road 108 projects raise the same concerns from property ...
According to Visalia Times Delta reporter Valerie Gibbons, in her October 20 article "Tulare County now wants 11 more parcels on Road 80," Tulare County is moving forward with condemnation plans for 11 properties in order to widen Road 80:
The county has been trying to acquire properties — many of which are in 40- to-60-foot-wide strips, and about a mile in length — since the beginning of 2008. Eighty-five other property owners along the route have reached sale-price settlements.
The widening project, designed to ease congestion between Dinuba and Visalia, has been planned ...
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