Posts tagged Off-Site Improvement.
Development Conditions Requiring Off-Site Property Acquisitions Not Subject to Takings Law?

We’ve reported in the past that public agencies are more frequently demanding certain off-site public improvements to accommodate proposed private developments as a condition of entitlement approval.  These can range from street widenings to accommodate additional traffic, pump stations for additional water capacity, or flood improvements to address drainage or run-off concerns.  Additionally, a new condition facing California developers is dedicating or acquiring open space to mitigate wildfire risk. … 

Eminent Domain for Off-Site Public Improvements Associated with Private Development

Most private development projects in California trigger some sort of discretionary public approval, whether it be environmental review, zone changes, permits, or other forms of entitlement approvals.  As part of that approval process, public agencies are more frequently demanding certain off-site public improvements to accommodate the proposed private development.  Such improvements could include, for example, street widenings to accommodate additional traffic, pump stations for additional water capacity, or flood improvements to address drainage or run-off concerns.  ...

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