We are pleased to provide the next installment of our video series from Nossaman’s 2019 Eminent Domain Seminars. In this segment, Eminent Domain & Valuation Partner Bernadette Duran-Brown discusses the first day of trial, the trial process and components, and some of the unique aspects of an eminent domain trial proceeding.
Californians who have owned their properties for years understand the benefits of Proposition 13: their property taxes are based upon the property's purchase price (with only small allowable annual increases), as opposed to the property's current value. But upon a transfer, the property gets reassessed at its current value. Consequently, people in California often wind up with higher property taxes when they sell one property and buy another, even if the new property costs exactly what they received for the sale of the old property.
When an owner is forced to "sell" as a result of the ...
All eminent domain attorneys know the importance of getting the Final Order of Condemnation right. After all, it's the document that gets recorded, effecting the transfer of title to the agency. But sometimes mistakes occur, and when they do, the condemning agency typically has a remedy.
In DFP, LTD v. Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District, an unpublished opinion issued earlier this week, the agency requested a nunc pro tunc order revising the final order to correct a "scrivener's error." The error: the recorded final order stated that the agency acquired an easement, when ...
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