As we reported last month, the United States of America and the Federal Aviation Administration had filed a motion to dismiss a lawsuit brought by the City of Santa Monica in federal court seeking to confirm its alleged right to control the fate of the Santa Monica Airport. Yesterday, the federal court threw out the City's lawsuit, holding that:
- The Quiet Title Claim was time-barred;
- The takings claim had to be brought before the United States Court of Federal Claims pursuant to the Tucker Act; and
- The Tenth Amendment and Fifth Amendment Due Process Claims were not ripe.
The federal court ...
An eminent decision out of the Ninth Circuit United States Court of Appeals is not a common occurrence. A Ninth Circuit eminent domain decision dealing with intangible property is even less common. Yet, on April 26, 2013, the Ninth Circuit took it even one step further, issuing an eminent domain decision dealing with intangible property in which the condemning authority is an Indian Tribe.
Having explained just how rare it is to see this type of decision, I now need to make a confession. While the Ninth Circuit decision arises out of an eminent domain action in which an Indian Tribe is ...
After passing on a number of Fifth Amendment issues in recent history, the U.S. Supreme Court is scheduled to hear three cases this term in which the takings clause plays a prominent role. And today, the Court addressed the first of these three cases, holding that a temporary-flooding can result in a taking requiring just compensation under the Fifth Amendment.
In Arkansas Game and Fish Commission v. United States, the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission argued that a temporary but reoccurring flooding of its property resulted in a taking requiring just compensation. The ...
Today, the California Supreme Court issued its much-anticipated opinion in California Redevelopment Assn. v. Matosantos, the case challenging ABX1 26 and ABX1 27. In a decision foreshadowed by the tone of last month's oral argument, the Court upheld ABX1 26, but struck down ABX1 27 as a violation of California's Proposition 22:
- "Assembly Bill 1X 26, the dissolution measure, is a proper exercise of the legislative power vested in the Legislature by the state Constitution."
- "A different conclusion is required with respect to Assembly Bill 1X 27, the measure conditioning further ...
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