2023 has been another interesting year in the eminent domain world. We’ve reported on some interesting court decisions, we’ve seen funding make its way to some critical infrastructure projects in California and changing weather continues to make resiliency and natural disasters a hot topic for inverse condemnation law. But before 2023 winds down, there are some exciting end-of-year events and we hope to see you there. …
Brad Kuhn and Jillian Friess Leivas authored the article “Eminent Domain 2021 Year in Review” for The Appraisal Journal. The article takes an in-depth look at multiple developments on the eminent domain front that occurred in 2021, including the special occasion when the U.S. Supreme Court heard two taking cases. It also examines the impact of the passage of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, which aims to provide federal funding for infrastructure projects for many years to come.
The Appraisal Journal is a publication of The Appraisal Institute, a global ...
On April 21, 2021, I will be participating in the sixth annual International Right of Way Association (IRWA) Chapter 57 and Southern California Chapter of the Appraisal Institute's (SCCAI) Virtual Joint Meeting. I will be a co-presenter discussing "Project Benefits - Do They Ever Apply, and If So, How Are Benefits Supported?" during which we will cover project benefits and their significance in the eminent domain arena. This program will also include:
- The statutory and case law landscape that gives rise to the issue of project benefits, when and how they may apply and methods and ...
On November 1, Nossaman Eminent Domain Partner Bernadette Duran-Brown will be Co-Chairing the Southern California Appraisal Institute’s 51st Annual Litigation Seminar. Additionally, Ms. Duran-Brown will be joined by Brad Kuhn, Chair of Nossaman’s Eminent Domain & Valuation Practice Group, who will be participating in a panel discussion concerning Easement Valuation.
The seminar will be held on Thursday, November 1st, at the Omni Hotel, 251 South Olive Street, Los Angeles. The event will kick off with registration and breakfast at 7:30 a.m., and will also include luncheon ...
We wanted to provide some timely articles for those of you in the eminent domain and valuation arena.
First, Brad Kuhn, the Chair of Nossaman’s Eminent Domain and Valuation Practice Group, was recently featured on the cover of the July/August 2018 issue of Right Of Way magazine—a publication of the International Right of Way Association. Brad participated in an Industry Roundtable in the issue on leveraging the right of way professional in today’s fast-paced design-build world. The Roundtable examined the critical right of way component in infrastructure projects and how ...
On Tuesday, March 20, beginning at 11:30 a.m. PT, Chapter One of the International Right of Way Association (IRWA) will be holding a joint luncheon with the Southern California Chapter of the Appraisal Institute at Luminarias Restaurant in Monterey Park, CA. Nossaman’s Litigation Department Chair and Co-Chair of its Real Estate Practice Group, David Graeler, will serve as the luncheon speaker, providing a presentation entitled Scenarios to Consider Appraising without USPAP. To register, please visit the IRWA Ch. 1 website here.
The International Right of Way Association is a ...
This week, Nossaman Eminent Domain Partner Bernadette Duran-Brown will be speaking at the Southern California Appraisal Institute’s 50th Annual Litigation Seminar.
Ms. Duran-Brown will be providing a Summary of Recent Eminent Domain and Valuation-Related Cases. Her presentation will cover the most recent and upcoming legal developments and is essential for anyone involved with public projects or affected by large-scale development in the region. We will provide a follow-up blog post summarizing Ms. Duran-Brown’s presentation for anyone unable to attend in person.
The ...
Acquiring a fee interest in property seems to be so out-of-style. Nearly every linear infrastructure project I work on now involves the acquisition of various types of easements, whether its a typical temporary construction easement, access easement, street/highway easement, or transmission line easement, or a more complicated aerial easement, parking structure easement, or floating easement. The scope and terms of these easements can have massive ramifications on compensation, and particularly severance damages to impacted properties. If you're interested ...
Last summer, I wrote about the Appraisal Institute’s controversial effort to promote legislation in California (known as AB 624) that would enable licensed real estate appraisers performing appraisals for non-federally-related transactions to use any nationally or internationally recognized standard of valuation. I commented at the time that it wasn’t difficult to envision a parade of horribles that might result should appraisers be permitted to identify obscure international standards for an appraisal assignment in order to drive value up or down for a litigant.
Not ...
Last week, the Appraisal Institute unveiled its Standards of Valuation Practice (SVP). SVP will not replace USPAP (the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice) -- which have long-been the mainstay of appraisal standards for many appraisals -- but will serve as an alternative when USPAP or other standards are not required.
According to AI President, Ken Wilson, MAI, SRA:
The SVP will establish a higher level of professional practice, engender public trust and facilitate the growth and advancement of the valuation profession...The SVP will recognize the broad ...
The Southern California Chapter of the Appraisal Institute will be holding its 46th Annual Litigation Seminar this Friday, November 15. The list of topics sounds fantastic:
- It's Just a Simple Rent Re-Setting in a Ground Lease
- If the Glove Doesn't Fit . . . Make it Fit (Abuses in the Tax Appeal Process)
- Hot Topics in Eminent Domain
- Planning for and Managing Large Acquisition Projects -- Lessons Learned
- Uneconomic Remnants -- Are They Always?
- We Just Need Your Property on a Temporary Basis -- For the Next 4 Years
- Decisions, Decisions, Decisions (A Review of Recent Major Valuation Cases)
- The ...
The Southern California Chapter of the Appraisal Institute holds a great conference each year covering a variety of hot-topic issues. The 2013 Conference will be held this Thursday, September 12, 2013, and my partner Rick Rayl and I will be presenting on the future of redevelopment in California. So, if you're interested in what's played out over the last year for redevelopment agencies, what lawsuits have been filed, what projects are moving forward, and what the future holds for all the property that is now owned by the successor agencies, come join us.
The rest of the Conference is ...
For those of you who attended the joint meeting today between Chapter 1 of the International Right of Way Association and the Appraisal Institute, we promised to post a cheat sheet that reminds you about the cases associated with our cleverly crafted slides. (For those of you who did not attend, you missed a great event, and will be punished by likely having no idea what we're talking about below.)
As promised, here is the recap of our case slides, each of which started with:
Where We Learned . . .
- "That the Court can’t exclude appraisers simply because the judge thinks they are full of crap": ...
Rick Rayl and I will be speaking this Tuesday, March 19, at the International Right of Way Association (IRWA) Chapter 1 (Los Angeles) annual co-luncheon with the Appraisal Institute. We'll provide an eminent domain "Year in Review," covering all the important court decisions from the past year. To make it a bit interesting, we'll be coming up with some funny phrases, and we're hoping some of you will be able to guess what case we're talking about. Rick promises there will be prizes....
The annual lunch between the IRWA and the Appraisal Institute is always a good one, so we hope you'll ...
Here are a few updates for right of way professionals:
- IRWA International Conference: The International Right of Way Association's (IRWA) 58th Annual International Education Conference will be taking place starting this weekend in Seattle. Nossaman's eminent domain attorneys will be there in full force: I know at least seven of us are attending, and we'll have representatives from our Orange County, Los Angeles, and San Francisco offices. For the first time ever, we'll also be hosting a booth at the Conference, and we have a number of great give-aways, so plan to stop by ...
Last week, we sent out a blog post with a number of quick updates on right-of-way-related issues making headlines across California. Rick thought it would be a cool idea if we made this type of post a weekly habit, so here it goes (and, if it doesn't work or happen every week, obviously blame Rick):
- City of Visalia Can't Negotiate With Property Owner: Here's an interesting story. According to an article in the Visalia-Delta Times, "Visalia moves to take land near St. Johns," the City of Visalia is using eminent domain to acquire property necessary for a walking trail. So what makes ...
The Appraisal Institute and Chapter 1 of the IRWA are holding their annual joint meeting on March 23. It is being held at Steven's Steakhouse in Commerce. Here are the details:
Steven's Steak House
5332 Stevens Place
Commerce, CA 90040
March 23, 2010
11:30 - Registration & Check-in
12:00 - Lunch & Presentation
The speaker will be Greg Angelo, Director of Real Property Management & Development at Los Angeles County MTA (Metro). Mr. Angelo will talk about current Metro projects, including Expo Corridor Phase 1, Orange Line to Chatsworth, and I-405 Sepulveda Pass. He will also talk ...
On January 21, the Southern California Chapter of the Appraisal Institute is holding its 17th Annual Los Angeles/Orange County Market Trends Seminar. The panel looks quite good, and the event is being chaired by Orell Anderson, MAI, Steve Valdez, Michael Kearns & Tyler Baird. They report having only a few seats left, so act quickly if you want to attend.
The seminar runs from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and is being held at ...
Yesterday, I spoke at the Appraisal Institute's 42nd Annual Litigation Seminar. As usual, it was a great event, well attended by many of the top eminent domain appraisers in Southern California. I spoke about recent developments in a presentation entitled "Eminent Domain: Where Are We, and Where Have We Been?" [PDF]
While I am confident that anyone in attendance would tell you I was brilliant, I want to focus today on some issues that arose in Ted Whitmer's presentation entitled Legal Instructions, Litigation & Appraisal Institute Standards. Ted's firm, Appraiser Defense
On November 18, the Southern California Chapter of the Appraisal Institute is hosting its 42nd Annual Litigation Seminar. This full-day event features a great panel of speakers, and has been approved for eight hours of both Appraisal Institute and Office of Real Estate Appraisers ("OREA") continuing education credit.
It is being held at:
Embassy Suites Hotel
11767 Harbor Blvd.
Garden Grove, CA 92840
I will be speaking at 3:45 p.m. on "New Cases & What’s Happening in Eminent Domain." I understand that I am the last speaker of the day, and that you will ...
Eminent Domain Report is a one-stop resource for everything new and noteworthy in eminent domain. We cover all aspects of eminent domain, including condemnation, inverse condemnation and regulatory takings. We also keep track of current cases, project announcements, budget issues, legislative reform efforts and report on all major eminent domain conferences and seminars in the United States.
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